Eleven Stats on the State of Marketing in 2018

As we look forward to the second half of 2018 there are sure to be new thoughts on what’s happening with customer engagement optimization, marketing technology and their collective impact on brands. But before that, now is a great time to look at some of the numbers that have come out of the Wilson Bridge show so far. Here are eleven of our favorites.

13   The percentage of CFOs that feel properly aligned with Marketing. Folks, that’s a dismal number. Communication has to improve if marketing is going to maintain respect in the c-suite.

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91   The average number of marketing cloud services in an enterprise. Somebody besides sales has shiny object syndrome.

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90   The percentage of brands that say their greatest challenge is to “identify the right technologies to serve as an extension of their brand.” Recognizing the problem is the first step.

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50   The percentage of marketers that say they are likely to replace their Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) because it doesn’t meet most or all of their expectations. Just curious—where are they’re going to go?

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6,829   The actual number of marketing applications in the Martech 5,000. Can anyone, even a leading analyst like Forrester, make sense of it?

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60   The percentage of CRM licenses that aren’t actively used, equaling $18 billion in waste. That’s a big investment squandered in what should be a critical system for both individuals and the enterprise.

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45   The percentage of brands using social media to build brand awareness. Is this the best channel for brands? Or just perceived as the least expensive?

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20   The percentage of revenue that Ferrari receives from things that are not cars or parts for cars. How? Brand value, friends.

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4 BILLION   The increase in dollars spent in mergers and acquisitions in the Martech space between 2015 and 2016. Is your favorite platform going to go up for auction? That’s many founders’ goal.

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87   The percentage of marketers that don’t believe that they’re leveraging their customer data effectively. Improvement will take work, starting with asking the right questions. The answers are already there.

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800+   The total minutes of watch time for the Wilson Bridge videos in the last 4 months. Thanks to everyone for watching! Be sure to continue to watch, like and subscribe if you haven’t already (it’s also available as a podcast). If you have any questions, comments or ideas for the show, please don’t hesitate to share.

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Special thanks to Brian Hansford of Heinz Marketing and Joe Chernov of InsightSquared for their Marketing Automation Platform Satisfaction Survey 2018.

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